Yardley of London went all flower child earthy in 1971; a time when hippie daisy nature reigned. “Earth Child Eyes” was born, featuring ‘Something wild. Something mild. Always true-to-life Earth Child’. The model is a blond Bohemian glam hippie chick with a garland of daisies in her hair. Earth Child Eyes, featuring Hue-the line with… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Yardley of London
Vintage 1968 Yardley of London Slicker Nail Polish
Yardley of London’s advertising was so fantastic in the late 1960s; a wonderful mix of romanticism and mod. I was going through my old Seventeen magazines looking for any Yardley ads that I may have missed, and I found one! This beautiful ad for Slicker Nail Polish looks to be the companion to the Face… Read more »
Patches O’ Blue by Yardley Glimmerick 1973
This is a quite lovely Yardley of London ad from 1973, featuring model Jane Hitchcock. It was for Patches O’ Blue Glimmerick water eye shadow. Compacts of patches of light, bright water shadows that go on soft to stay on long. Supposedly to match the mood of your days in denim. Jane is seen wearing… Read more »
The 1972 Yardley of London BRIGHTS
These Yardley of London ads from 1972 show that the cosmetics company was on a very bright and colorful bent. Gone were the soft, shimmering, romantic shades of the late 1960s; this was full-on POW! Yardley Glimmerick Glimmer on Brights was the first watercolor compact to color and polish your eyes. The Flower Brights colors… Read more »
The Everyday Yardley Girls of 1972
In 1972, I feel that Yardley of London finally threw in the towel in regards to having a specific ‘Yardley Girl’ model. The tradition of having a particular model to be the ‘face’ of the company seemed to have come to an end. No more Twiggy, Jean Shrimpton, Olivia Hussey, or Patsy Sullivan to grace… Read more »
Patsy Sullivan~Yardley of London Model Extraordinaire!
If you are a regular reader of my blog, you will know that I have a slight obsession with Yardley of London cosmetics of the late 60s and early 70s. I’ve posted many a Yardley ad featuring the beautiful models of the time. Imagine my surprise when I received an email from none other than… Read more »