Yardley of London Goes Earth Child in 1971

Yardley of London vintage 1971 ad Earth Child EyesYardley of London ad 1971 Earth Child EyesYardley of London went all flower child earthy in 1971; a time when hippie daisy nature reigned. “Earth Child Eyes” was born, featuring ‘Something wild. Something mild. Always true-to-life Earth Child’. The model is a blond Bohemian glam hippie chick with a garland of daisies in her hair.

Earth Child Eyes, featuring Hue-the line with Easy Liner, Grow All Out with Lash-A-Lot, Stroke a Rainbow Above with Shadow Sheen, and Circle the Earth Below with Under-Eye Sheen were ‘Soft, Super-Sexy. Super-Luminous’. Basically they were the same Yardley makeup products from their British Romantic Mod ad campaigns of the late 60s, put to a different spin. Yardley of London was genius when it came to marketing in the late 60s/early 70s. I really miss their brilliant ad campaigns, but I’m glad I kept some of my old magazines to be able to reminisce on Yardley’s glory days.


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