This is a wonderful Max Factor makeup ad from the April 15, 1963 issue of Vogue magazine. The early 1960s were a particularly elegant and classic time, due in part from the stylish influence of First Lady Jackie Kennedy. The models here are particularly stunning and high-maintenance; not your everyday woman.
Max Factor makeup was all about coverage and a flawless look. Pan-Stick foundation came in a nifty swivel case, to cover up all your imperfections and lock-in moisture. Creme-Puff was a velvety blend of powder and foundation. Erace was a touch-up stick to make dark circles, lines and flaws instantly invisible. Hi-Fi Fluid was a blend of moisturizers and beauty oils to create a natural dewy look. Sheer Genius blended moisturizers, foundation and powder to give a soft matte finish. The original Pan-Cake makeup covered lines, blemishes and freckles with its superbly smooth , natural finish.
They still make Pan-Stik makeup but I wonder if it’s the same formulation. There is a YouTuber named Vintage Camper Gal Wisconsin who posted a video where she actually used a 50 year old Pan-Cake makeup just to see what the consistency was like!!
Those models do look so classy, I recognize Wilhelmina Cooper in the top right photo. The top middle is Kecia Nyman, who runs her own Facebook page now