Posts Tagged: Seventeen Magazine

Christmas 1968 QualiCraft Shoes

This ad from the December 1968 issue of Seventeen magazine takes me right back to that era! QualiCraft shoe store was “The” place to buy shoes for us groovy 60s and 70s teens. They always had the latest styles and were moderately priced. Of course they were pretty much always located in a mall (I… Read more »

Those Vintage ’70s Wide-Leg Denim Jeans

This is a great Landlubber ad that shows just how huge jeans were in 1975. I mean literally huge! Very wide-legged all the way down, not just below the knee like bell-bottoms. There was no such thing as lighter-weight stretch denim – as I remember, in the ’70s – so I am sure these jeans… Read more »

The Original 1975 Frye Boots

The iconic Frye Boot, as we know it, made its fashion debut in 1975. Super chunky and sturdy, it fit right in with the mid-70s earthy ‘back to the land’ vibe. The collegiate-style Campus Boot became an all-American symbol of rebellion and freedom.  Soon everyone was clunking around in Frye boots, or a reasonable facsimile… Read more »

1972 Betsy Johnson of Alley Cat Wool Fashions

I love this American Wool Council/Alley Cat ad from the August 1972 issue of Seventeen magazine. Betsey Johnson teamed up with the Wool people, as she had done with the Cotton people previously. I like the fact that she placed such great emphasis on American textiles and manufacturing. These were quality fashions, meant to last…. Read more »

The Bulletin Board Bag AKA Vintage 1970 Pinterest

I ran across this unusual ad in the August 1970 issue of Seventeen magazine. It advertised the Bulletin Board Bag – a $9 wood purse with rope handle – that had a four-sided cork bulletin board. You could ‘design it with love’ by decorating it with snaps of special people, signs, flowers, team heroes, school… Read more »