Posts Tagged: retro

Vintage Danskin Bold Athletic Bodysuits, 1975

Danskin was the go-to brand for dance wear in the 1960s and 70s. All manner of ballet leotards and tights were to be had. They broke out to sportswear with their “Danskins Are Not Just For Dancing” ad campaign. Their very bold and colorful bodysuits were meant for downhill racers, cross-country trekkers, hikers, skiers, cyclists,… Read more »

Designer Mary Quant’s Booby Trap Collection, 1974

Mary Quant was a Mod London designer who took credit for the miniskirt and hotpants in the 1960s. In the 1970s, she expanded her clothing line to include cosmetics and household goods. This 1974 ad is for “Booby Traps”, which look to be a bra and panties set. Interestingly enough, there are elephant graphics strategically… Read more »

Yardley “True-Love” Slicker Nail Shades, 1974

Found another Yardley of London ad that I’d not seen before! This one is For “true-love” Slicker nail polish. The ad features models that look like they’re in their 40s; quite a switch from Yardley’s supermodels of the 60s, and the artsy young teen models of the early 70s. The 12 new Slicker Nail Shades… Read more »