Sweet Vintage 50s Cropped Cardigan Knitting Pattern

I realize that it may seem a bit odd that I’m posting knitting patterns when it’s almost summer, but it has been so cool and rainy here in Seattle that it seems like perfect knitting weather!  I am not one to knit in hot weather; I find it most sticky and annoying.  But for those that do, you can work on knitting those pretty cardigans for fall and winter wearing.

This pattern from 1954 is just adorable.  It is a button-up, long-sleeve cardigan with a snazzy collar.  It calls for it to be knitted in petite knitting worsted, but I think it would look smashing in fluffy angora or mohair.

As always, happy knitting!  🙂     Cardigan Sweater Knitting Pattern

~Marilyn Huttunen

Fab 60s Barbie Doll Travel Wardrobe Knitting Pattern

I just could not resist this utterly charming 60s traveling wardrobe knitting pattern for a Barbie-sized doll!  It consists of a dress, a travel coat, and luggage.  The luggage includes a suitcase, duffel bag and hatbox.  I never played much with Barbie dolls in my girlhood, but this is just so fantastic.  It is soooo Mad Men;  I could just see Joan or Betty wearing this.  In fact there are Mad Men Barbie dolls out now – this would be absolutely perfect for them.

Simple stockinette and seed stitches form the basis for the travel wardrobe.  The dress, made in two pieces in stockinette stitch, is bordered with seed stitch.  The coat is knit in one piece.  The suitcase, duffel bag and hatbox are worked completely in seed stitch; pieces knitted straight up.

Have fun knitting up this snazzy Barbie doll ensemble!  🙂

Download Pattern Here

~Marilyn Huttunen

Purls Gone Wild: Yarn Bombers On The Loose!

Knitting is certainly not your sedate grandma’s craft anymore – at least when it comes to the actions of yarn bombers.  Those artistic vandals who take to the streets, wrapping concrete and metal structures in brightly colored knitted sweaters and wraps.  Called a more feminine version of street art or graffiti, the work of yarn bombers has shown up on lampposts, bicycle racks, hydrants, mail boxes and statues in many urban landscapes across the globe.

I am of two minds on this.  I kind of like the cheerfulness of it all, and the burgeoning attention paid to an otherwise staid-seeming craft.  It would be kind of cool to come across one of these creations.  On the other hand, I hate to see all that hard work (let’s face it, knitting is a lot of work) dissolve and fray in a matter of weeks.  I would be sobbing!  And yes, it is considered vandalism or littering.

It’s kind of funny how, in the past decade or so, knitters have been wanting to push the edge of the craft.  I remember several years back when I was visiting my local yarn shop, the owner asked me if I would like to join the shop’s Stitch ‘n Bitch group.  I politely declined.  Nothing sounded more horrifying to me than to sit and knit with a bunch of bitching ladies!  Maybe they didn’t really bitch; it was probably lively conversation, but the group name did give me pause.

You see, I guess I am one of those more meditative knitters.  I like to knit alone, lost in thought.  Anything I knit is made to last, and I appreciate those vintage knitted creations that others have made and have survived the years.

So, you’ll never see me yarn bombing anything!  I value the staid, stuffiness of knitting.  I think Grandma had it just right. 🙂

~Marilyn Huttunen

Vintage 60s Knitting Pattern: Mohair Cardigan Sweater

Going through my vintage knitting pattern stash, I found this sweet 1960s pattern!  Knit in fluffy mohair, it is a button-up cardigan style.  The scallop edge detail is so fabulous.  This would look so pretty in white or pastels.

Again, this is vintage sizing, so a size 12 would fit a 32″ bust / size 14 – 34″ bust / size 16 – 36″ bust.

More vintage knitting and crochet patterns to come!  Happy knitting! 🙂

“Knitting is very conducive to thought.  It is nice to knit a while, put down the needles, write a while, then take up the sock again.” ~Dorothy Day

~Marilyn Huttunen

Download: Here


Hat’s Off To Princess Beatrice!

Princess Beatrice’s fascinating fascinator has completely grabbed the attention of the world!  This is quite a feat considering the massive attention placed on Prince William and Princess Catherine’s royal wedding.  A lone hat seems to be the shining star of the whole occasion, well, at least of the supporting cast.  It has even eclipsed Pippa Middleton’s exquisitely elegant bridesmaid dress in popularity.

Designed by famed UK milliner, Philip Treacy, the tea rose colored creation is a gravity-defying sculptural masterpiece.  The wildly swirling wedding bow is worn on the front hairline, held in place by a clear headband.

I am saying this as an American, where we are not so bold in our wedding attire, but Princess Beatrice has a lot of chutzpah and I admire her for it!  She is directing the focus of the hat to a charitable auction on eBay, with proceeds of the sale going to Unicef UK, and Children in Crisis.  Currently the bidding is over $11,000.00,  I hope the bidding goes much higher.  My hat is definitely off to Princess Beatrice for doing this.

I’ve been duly inspired by the hat-wearing Brits.  I have never worn a hat; probably because of my big head, I can never find one to fit me.  But the problem of head sizes seems to be solved by wearing a fascinator.  They could fit on any type of head and tipped at any rakish angle.  It would be great if Americans adopted oh-so stylish millinery wear.   But I really don’t think we could quite pull it off like the Brits…maybe some things are best left to them!

“I can wear a hat, or take it off, but either way it’s a conversation piece.”   ~ Hedda Hopper

~Marilyn Huttunen


It’s Time To Break Out The Solar-Powered Dryer!

I’ve aired my dirty laundry for about 6 years now.  Well, actually it’s clean laundry and I air-dry it on either a drying rack or clothesline!  Being a “slow dryer” as it were, I often feel as though my whole life is consumed by laundry.  Either washing it, hanging it, waiting it for it to dry, and putting it way.  Wash, rinse, repeat.  It is a rhythm that slowly weaves its way in and out of my days.

Outdoor drying becomes a huge issue when you live in the Pacific Northwest.  Especially in the fall, winter, and much of the spring.  My indoor drying racks are in constant use during these times.  Once in a great while I dare to hang laundry outdoors in the depths of winter, but it is almost always to no avail – little or no actual drying gets accomplished.

This winter and spring have been especially rough on Seattle-area air drying enthusiasts.  Out of the 132 days since January 1, only 27 days have NOT been rainy!  I may not be that great at math, but I know that it means there have been 105 rainy days.  No wonder I haven’t used my outdoor clothesline much!

Yesterday and today have been sunny though (knock on wood).  Add temps in the 60s, a brisk breeze, and you’ve got ideal conditions for successful solar-powered drying.  In fact, the laundry is dancing out on my backyard clothesline as I write this.  When you become a consistent  air-dryer, nothing brings satisfaction to your soul quite like seeing laundry flap in the wind.  And the resulting intoxicating scent of outdoor dried laundry that is beyond compare.  I love that Mother Nature does her work so wonderfully and bonus, for free!

Those of you who already air-dry know what I’m talking about; and those of you who don’t, I invite you to at least try it.  It does take a bit more patience and waiting.  But when you let nature do the work in its gentle way, you are in for a great experience.  E. B. White says it well: “We should all do what, in the long run, gives us joy, even if it’s only picking grapes or sorting the laundry.”

~Marilyn Huttunen