Posts Categorized: Frugal Living

The Lure of the Snuggie

First of all, I will freely admit that I am now the owner of a Snuggie.  Yes, that one.  “The Blanket That Has Sleeves!”, 100% Polyester, and Made in China.  I wear it too.  This is a bit weird for me, as I have always thought that they were completely ridiculous. It all started a… Read more »

Walking In My Newfangled Antishoes

I really love taking walks around my neighborhood.  It’s good exercise, I get fresh air, chat with my neighbors, and it’s free!  No membership fees to a sweat-filled gym for me.  While I enjoyed walking,  it really wasn’t necessarily meeting the workout requirements for me…or at least I wasn’t feeling much benefit.  So when I… Read more »

Cozy Toe-Warming Socks

Now that the cold, damp and clammy weather has settled in the Pacific Northwest, my feet have been letting me know for quite a while now that it’s time to get out the warm socks.  I have cold feet.  VERY cold feet.  Almost all the time except for summer.  Oh blessed summer when I can… Read more »

Adventures in Cold Water Washing

I am the ever-practical environmentalist; doing all that I can in my daily life to keep the earth a little greener.  Most notably in my laundry practices.  I’ve been air-drying exclusively now for about four years; ever since my dryer refused to heat.  It makes my life easier (really!), my utility bill is down about… Read more »