This fabulous 8-page Yardley of London spread was in the February 1972 issue of Co-ed magazine. Featuring the fresh-faced teen model, Lucy Angle, it featured step-by-step instructions for applying Yardley makeup. It’s especially great because it shows all the colors and types of makeup that Yardley had to offer at that time. I would have been a 16-year-old high school junior that year, and I’m sure I wore a lot of this makeup – especially the Pot o’ Gloss – a personal fave!

We start with the skin, with suggestions to eat well, eat regularly, sleep, think positively, and exercise. Then some handy dandy facial exercises. If your face is shiny you needed to use Shine-Stopper Cleansing Mineral Grains to purify, then apply Shine-Stopper Liquid Foundation and Medicated Pressed Powder. To add color after applying foundation you could use Pot o’ Gloss Cheek Gloss, Cellophanes Blush, or Shine Stopper Medicated Blush.

Next it’s onto the eyes, where we are given a brief history of the 5,000 years of wearing eye makeup. Cleopatra painted her eyes with earth pigment and vegetable dyes, and the ingenious women of Carthage made their own mascara with gum arabic, musk, ebony, and pulverized black insects. Yardley was decidedly more modern in 1972, with Glimmerick, Sigh Shadow, and Shadow Sheen eye shadows. Eyelighter was used for lighting and hiding. Easy Liner eye liner and Lash-a-Lot mascara finished up the eye makeup.

And the finishing touch, the creme de la creme: POT O’ GLOSS! Pot o’ gloss made lips look wetter, shinier, glossier, and smelled like an ambrosia of fruits. Tasted as good as it smelled too. It was glorious!
You have some great ads and it’s been fun looking around on your blog.
I was a senior in 1972 and had been using Yardley products for about 4 years by that time. The first time I remember seeing their ads was on The Monkees tv show with a Yardley ad featuring Twiggy.
My absolute favorite was Oh! de London cologne; wish I could afford what the orignal is selling for on ebay.