Yardley of London liked to be a bit experimental in their makeup, especially their eye shadows. These ads from 1970 feature eye shadows that were a bit unique. So unique that I don’t even remember either of them. Something tells me that these lines didn’t last too long. They seemed to really be marketing and playing up a hippie, boho vibe, which Yardley really wasn’t at all.
New Soul Eyes for Spring by Yardley was a brush-on eye shadow in two shimmering shades of soul. Soul being the operative word. It came in colors of Soul Blue, Soul Turq, Soul Jade, Soul Earth, and Soul Wine, paired with a highlighter called Lights. Never have your soft, inquisitive eyes had a more kindred soul-mate than Sigh Shadow. The model is dressed in Bohemian hippie glam and is looking rather soulful. It’s all really lovely but it was basically just blue eye shadow and highlighter.

Yardley Mixis was a finger mix eye shadow for the ad lib impressionists among us. Basically they were tubes of colors that you mixed together to make your own personalized shadow. Now that sounds like a recipe for disaster! The effects on the models look muddied and awful; and this was with professional makeup artists. I can only imagine what this looked like when the average teenaged girl tried to do it. I have a feeling this was short-lived as I don’t remember this one either. It’s probably just as well. As much as I love Yardley of London, I think these two products are best left in the past.
Update: Patsy Sullivan is the model in the New Soul Eyes ad.