Posts Tagged: WWII

WWII Beauty: All it Takes is a Bar of Soap

Beauty routines were so much simpler in the 1940s. According to this Camay soap ad from the February 1945 issue of Ladies’ Home Journal magazine, you could have lovable, softer, smoother skin with just one cake of Camay! The glowing wartime bride, Mrs. William H. Geyer of Nutley, N.J., showed off her apparent skin care… Read more »

Washing Clothes the Wartime Way with DUZ!

Laundry is eternal, even during wartime. This is a great vintage 1945 ad for DUZ laundry soap, on how wash all your clothes during those trying days. DUZ cleaned grimy overalls, dirty towels and pretty undies with equal ease. Women everywhere called DUZ a washday wonder! I like the suggestion to use just a little… Read more »

Yardley of London in Wartime 1945

With Yardley of London reaching its groovy heyday in the late 1960s/early 70s, it’s easy to forget that it’s an old company. A very old company! Established in 1770, it was a major producer of soaps and perfumes. English Lavender soap, anyone? Since Yardley’s soaps and cosmetics were so popular with the Victorians and Edwardians,… Read more »