This is a pretty interesting ad, showing Bonne Bell’s production facilities in Lakewood, Ohio. The plant was called “Georgetown Row” for its charming authentic Georgetown exterior. Behind the exterior were the production and office facilities. Of course, Bonne Bell was most famous for Ten-O-Six lotion (I can still smell it), and Lip Smackers (I can… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Made in USA
Legend Liza Minnelli in Blackglama, 1974
Here is Liza Minnelli in all her glory in the “What becomes a Legend most?” ad for Blackglama. I think it captures her fabulous insouciance perfectly! Blackglama advertised itself as the world’s finest natural dark ranch mink bred only in America by the Great Lakes Mink Men. ~Marilyn
70s Does 20s? Vintage 1973 Sandler of Boston Chunky Shoes
This is a really interesting take on selling shoes. Sandler of Boston was advertising their very chunky 1970s shoes and boots as being reminiscent of your “mother’s mother” shoes she wore in the 1920s. This was a stretch, as no shoes in history were as monstrous as 1973 shoes! Certainly not 1920s Flapper shoes, which… Read more »
Vintage 70s Frye Boots For Ms. and Mr.
Frye Boots really became super popular in 1974, like this ad depicts. The chunky Campus Boot was especially ubiquitous and trendy. Everyone was clomping around in them; and Frye promoted its unisex styling in the newly-coined title “Ms.”, and Mr. Frye Boots remain popular today, as all good American classics do! ~Marilyn
The Original 1975 Frye Boots
The iconic Frye Boot, as we know it, made its fashion debut in 1975. Super chunky and sturdy, it fit right in with the mid-70s earthy ‘back to the land’ vibe. The collegiate-style Campus Boot became an all-American symbol of rebellion and freedom. Soon everyone was clunking around in Frye boots, or a reasonable facsimile… Read more »