Pretty in Pink and Pearls 1974 Chanel No.19 Perfume

There is a lot of social distancing, worry and fear these days in response to COVID-19 (especially here in the Seattle area). I’m pretty much a homebody, so it’s really no big deal for me to stay home most of the time. I do venture out for grocery shopping and thrifting, but wear disposable vinyl gloves when I do. And do lots of hand-washing.

Anyway… I was looking for an uplifting vintage ad to post, and I thought this Chanel No. 19 Perfume ad from 1974 was perfect! “It’s another feeling. It’s another Chanel.”

The very pretty model (not sure who she is, but looks familiar) is wearing a sheer, flowing pink dress and a long strand of pearls. Her hair is flying and she has a lovely smile. The ad just makes me smile and gives me a little bit of hope that brighter spring days are ahead. Plus, CHANEL. ♥

Stay Healthy! 🙂


2 Responses to “Pretty in Pink and Pearls 1974 Chanel No.19 Perfume”

  1. Phyl D

    Hi, that’s the lovely (and very young) Rene Russo.
    Thank you Marilyn for all these ads, especially the Yardley ones, such a blast from my past, too…

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