Breck Creme Rinse for Beautiful Hair, 1974

I must admit that even though I used Breck shampoo religiously in the 60s and 70s, I never really understood what creme rinse was. They heavily advertised its virtues; eliminating snarls, giving spectacular shine and blissful body. And this 1974 ad is really pretty, with a golden-haired model catching the eyes of two men. Her hair does look amazingly lustrous!

I guess I was too busy washing my long, thick, oily hair every day, to worry about creme rinse. I remember trying it a couple of times (probably borrowing my mom’s), and ending up with a filmy coating on my hair. Definitely not what I wanted with my oily hair, so I stayed away from it. I don’t know if creme rinse is still around; it probably has been replaced by the plethora of conditioning products out there now. I don’t use those either!


One Response to “Breck Creme Rinse for Beautiful Hair, 1974”

  1. Beryl Cooper

    Looking for Breck Clean Rinse doing hair since 1975 at age 13 it detangled shine smooth hair very healthy former platform artist for Luster products . Please respond. Thank you!

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