70s Yardley of London Pot o’ Gloss

Yardley of London Pot o' Gloss 1973The one makeup product I used in the 70s that I wished was around today would have to be Yardley of London’s Pot o’ Gloss. Created in 1970 it was, quite simply, the best lip gloss one could ever imagine. It came in an adorable little pot and had the gloppiest, tackiest, almost sticky texture which was great because it really stayed on your lips. It had the most amazing scent too – I can smell it now!  Absolutely exquisite colors; lots of pretty pinks and plums.

Yardley of London Pot o' Gloss 1971Pot o' Gloss Yardley of London 1971Yardley of London was veering away from its Mod England-type advertising that it used in the 60s, with models like Olivia Hussey and Jean Shrimpton.  The 70s Pot o’ Gloss ads were geared to the more hippie-ish, natural, folk-artsy American girl.

Yardley of London Pot o' Gloss 1970Yardley of London Pot o' gloss 1970Your boyfriend could get in on the action too! If only to borrow his finger and spread on Pot o’ Gloss. It was such wonderful stuff, everyone wanted to touch it.

I will end with a plea to Yardley of London: please, please, PLEASE bring back Pot o’ Gloss! It seems that all you are making these days are soaps and body washes. Which is fine, because they are good products. But you really need to think about reissuing your fabulous makeup line. The world can always use more glossy, fragrant lips!


39 Responses to “70s Yardley of London Pot o’ Gloss”

  1. Janie Karen Smith

    I really wish you would consider bringing back the Yardley Pot o’Gloss. I really enjoyed using them in the 70’s. They are a better product than today’s lipgloss because of their quality and durability.

  2. lindsay

    I collect vintage cosmetics and especially love the lipglosses of the 70’s and 80’s, and a yardley pot o’ gloss is the last one I need for my collection. I already have the Maybelline kissing potions and kissing koolers, quite a few village lip lickers, a bunch of the cute Avon lip pomades, AND a vintage lip smacker- one of the real big ones from the 70’s that are EXTREMELY hard to find. I know that the pot o’ glosses are pretty popular and you can find them on ebay ( and some other sites that sell vintage items) occasionally, and I think I’m really going to start looking for one so I can complete my collection.

  3. Karen Turney

    Yardley Pit O gloss was the best , have found nothing competable. Can you purchase anywhere?

  4. Karen Turney

    Typo , Yardleys Pot’o gloss, I’ve looked and looked, please bring back!!!’

  5. leslie

    yardley’s pot o’ gloss was the best! i even borrowed $ so i could buy all the pot pink and pot rose i could find!

  6. Cubby

    Loved Pot o Gloss and definitely need these today! My first makeup ever!!!! Must rebirth! Please!!!!

  7. Kay

    Loved Pot O’Gloss! I too wish they would bring it back. Nothing on the market compares to it. The smell, taste, texture…takes me back to high school. Ah, the good old days!

  8. Brenda Cunningham

    I loved Pot o’ Gloss and I am always looking for something like it – please bring back Pot O Gloss!!

  9. Alexandra

    Brings me back to high school, only makup I used was pot o’ gloss.

  10. Deba carrico


  11. teresa torres

    Oh the 1970s and how simple time seemed lemon up shampoo,herbal essence shampoo.David Cassidy , Osmond Brothers, sun in for sun kissed highlights and we were all so young 13 and up.Now in our 50s or 60s we wish to touch the things that made us smile, alas these companies that could make a killing with the money we now can spend without our parents permission choose to ignore all the requests from us their loss.

  12. Kim

    I agree with all of the above, bring it back !!

    from California

  13. Karis

    I still have an empty container of Pot o Gloss, along with an empty bottle of Eau de London and a dried up cream eyeshadow by Yardley. I keep them for old time’s sake and it still evokes memories of the good stuff we had back in those days. Sure would like to see those resurrected…I would buy.

  14. barbara nelson

    Walnut was my pot o gloss color. Loved the smell of it too. Barbara

  15. Elizabeth Whitlock

    I wish all Yardley of London came back best makeup . Loved unique pot that housed concealer, eyeliner,eyeshadow with mirrored lid . Great tske along . Loved lipstick and gloss. Most of all loved Eau de London parfume.I can still smell it . Keep it like it was bring it back don’t change anything . Baby boomers and young alike would buy it, my opinion I know I would.

  16. Milagro Rosentrach

    Yes please , i remember my teenage years with mi london pot o gloos. happy and beautifull remembrances please bring Yardley back

  17. Milagro Rosentrach

    Yes please , i remember my teenage years with mi london pot’ o gloss. happy and beautifully remembrances please bring it back

  18. Julie King

    Please bring back the pot of gloss products! The glosses today are usually made with a wand and don’t deliver the amount I like.

  19. Sheila Toomey

    Will they ever remake “pot of gloss”, best lip gloss ever.

  20. Jacqueline Boisse

    You have to wonder why companies stop making products people love. I, too, was a Pot of Gloss fanatic. Yes, you can get other glosses everywhere, but these were the best.

  21. Debbie Little

    Bring it back
    I was wearing pot of gloss when i had my first kiss.
    My first lipstick in 1970 or 1971.

  22. Andrew L.

    My wife sells it online as a collectible item. Check out her store. Search in Google for Lexi Tyler on eBay.

  23. Jennifer Black

    I was just reading Fearne Cottons teenage memories in the Daily Mail and remembered my Pot O Gloss from when I was 15 and a surfer chick in Sydney! It was the BEST lipstick ever. I wore Pot Walnut. The consistency was perfect, colours were amazing and it lasted for ages. I loved carrying it in around in my bag with my Rimmel block mascara! Wish Yardley would bring it back… exactly as it was with the same colours! Karis… I love it that you still have the Pot o Gloss container. Wished i’d kept one.

  24. Rachel

    I absolutely loved Pot O Gloss! Please please bring it back! Had the best colours, the most wonderful fragrance~~please!

  25. Louise

    I wore them in the 70’s and LOVED them. I liked Melon and Fire. Smelled so yummy.

  26. Judie

    I recently emailed Yardley to ask if they would consider bringing back Pot O’Gloss. Here’s the response:

    Hi Judie

    Thanks for your email. I do know exactly what you are referring to, it was an amazing product and ground-breaking for its time!

    Right now we are focusing on fragrance and bath & body products, but may consider going back into cosmetics in the future.

    Kind regards

    So sad. I do have a couple of old ones around, but I’d never use them!

  27. finnfemme

    Hi Judie,
    I also emailed Yardley years ago, and got a similar response. They did send me samples of their Lavender and Oatmeal soap however! Hoping they see the light and reissue their cosmetics line, if only Pot 0′ Gloss.

  28. Mary

    This gloss was the first piece of makeup I bought with my own babysitting money. I seem to remember a black raspberry scented one. As well as the walnut. And it did stay on! It was the best. Please bring it back!

  29. Rosemarie Sladish

    For some reason none of us can forget the Yardley Potter gloss it left such an impression and it was so good for the lips the scent was absolutely the best please please bring it back please that would make me so happy I used to use pot of gloss because I grew up in the hippie era and I don’t care who you are what you are it’s the best and my lips were so healthy

  30. Susan

    I too miss Pot o’ Gloss and wish Yardley would bring it back along with Lip Slickers and Glimmerick eyeshadow. But I found an old picture of the list of ingredients in Pot o’ Gloss, and the first one was lanolin. I’ve had good luck with lip balm and gloss from the company Lano (used to be called Lanolips) which you can get at Ulta, and I’m not affiliated in any way. It’s a heavier, sticky lanolin product that I really like. You could always de-pot it from the tube into a small pot to get that Yardley experience!

  31. Alice

    I miss this product so much. I’m still on the search for something like it, even now.

  32. Lisa

    Please, please please please please please please bring back the Yardley makeup, especially my pot gloss. You have no idea how much I missed that and many other people too. Why are you holding out at least tell us if you think about it that would be awesome even if you just told us that little bit, please bring back. The colors are amazing. I always had that with me. I still have it with me if I could get some won’t start again? Please answer us here our cries!!!!!

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