This charming Modess sanitary napkin ad is from the October 1940 issue of Woman’s Home Companion magazine. It was likely at the start of their long-running advertising campaign of using elegantly dressed models and subsequent “Modess…because” tag line. This ad uses “Soft as a fleecy cloud” caption, with emphasis put on the comfort and security… Read more »
Posts Tagged: 40s ads
Yardley of London in Wartime 1945
With Yardley of London reaching its groovy heyday in the late 1960s/early 70s, it’s easy to forget that it’s an old company. A very old company! Established in 1770, it was a major producer of soaps and perfumes. English Lavender soap, anyone? Since Yardley’s soaps and cosmetics were so popular with the Victorians and Edwardians,… Read more »