Allergies: A Rite of Spring

BlossomDue to the lack of winter here, allergy season started early this year in the Pacific Northwest.  Trees and daffodils started blooming as early as January, and the grass started growing fast and never quit!  While it’s pleasant to have nice weather, it comes with a price.  And that price for many, myself included, is those annoying springtime allergies.  This year is especially fierce; not only here, but in most areas of the country.

Since I suffer from allergies the hardest during springtime,  I decided to take a more proactive approach this year.  The spring allergy season was going to be a long one, so I planned my attack.  I didn’t want to spend any more time than I had to suffering from debilitating allergy symptoms, like in previous years.  This year was going to be different!

First up, I was going to take a 24 hour non-drowsy allergy medication every single day. I picked out Claritin, actually the store-brand equivalent ( a LOT cheaper), and started taking one pill a day.  This had little or no effect.  I posted my allergy woes on my Facebook status update, and got several really good suggestions.   Facebook can be so helpful in many ways!   One friend who is a nurse, suggested I take two tablets a day to get the dosage up to prescription strength.  I looked on the package, and sure enough, the one-pill dosage was the same for a six-year-old as for an adult.  So I started taking two a day, and after a couple of  days it seemed to kick in, and kick butt!

I am also continuing with my daily neti pot rinses, as I do year-round.   I do this later in the day, after the buildup of allergins.  The warm saline water poured through the nasal passages is so soothing and cleansing.  A lot of times I’m pretty congested and not much water gets through.  But even getting just a little bit up the nose seems to help dig through the congestion and help clear the airways.  One trick I’ve learned recently is after you rinse with the neti pot, bend over in front and blow your nose.  Turn your head sideways and blow too.  One crazy thing about using a neti pot is that the saline solution will quite often pool up somewhere in the recesses of your sinuses, and then come rushing out hours later when you bend over.  This most likely happens in a public place, of course!  Doing the bend-over nose blow will prevent this embarrassing occurrence.

Doing these two things have helped immensely!  The combination of medication, and the neti pot rinse really packs a punch for me.  I am Rite of Springable to continue my daily outdoor walks, and just generally go about life.  I also do other things to help keep allergies at bay: eat healthily, drink lots of water, take many vitamins and supplements, and use saline nasal spray.  While I’m not completely symptom free, it is so much better than in springs past.  It almost makes me feel like dancing ‘The Rite of Spring’.  On second thought, I think I’ll pass on that.  That ballet was about a pagan ritual where a girl dances herself to death.  Maybe a few springtime allergies don’t sound so bad after all!


More Ever-So-Useful Laundry Hints

wash board

I’ve been doing a bit of tweaking to my laundry routine this spring;  trying to get it as simple as can be with the best possible results.  I now wash everything in cold water.  I had been hesitant to do this totally, especially with whites, towels, and sheets.  But after experimenting using hot, warm, and cold washes, I really find absolutely no difference in how clean they get.  In fact (I know this seems weird) the whites seem to be whiter when I wash them in cold!  90% of your washing machine energy goes to heating the water, so it makes good sense to get it to close to 0% using cold.

Another thing is using less detergent.  WAY less!  The one thing that drives me crazy is the measuring caps on liquid detergent.  I can never see the marks, and they never seem to explain it on the label.  So once I figured out where the obscure measuring marks were, I started using half that amount.  Sometimes I just use the merest dollop when I’m washing sweaters.  Too much detergent use is really bad for your clothes and your washing machine, as it can cause residue.  Too much soap scum lets bacteria breed.  And if you are using fabric softener (sheets or liquid), that also adds to the residue buildup on your laundry and washing machine.  I personally do not use any type of fabric softener, much preferring the natural stiffness of line-dried laundry.

Once in awhile I add 1/2 cup white vinegar to the rinse water of whites or towels.  This seems to cut through any excess detergent residue, and also adds a bit of softening.  And no, the vinegar smell doesn’t last!  It will evaporate upon drying.

Since I only use my washing machine (my dryer is now retired) I’ve become more focused on it.  One thing I do after every wash is clean the lintFrench laundry filter.  Yes, your washing machine has a lint filter.   It’s amazing how much stuff gets caught in it, so it’s good to keep it clean.

I always used to keep the lid of my washer closed.  Then I started noticing a funny smell coming from it.  After doing some research I found that it was all the moisture being trapped in there that caused it.  Now I keep the lid open all the time when not in use; it needs to be aired out so all the excess moisture can dissipate.  The odor problem is now solved.

By keeping it simple, using the barest essentials to clean your laundry, and air-drying 😉 you’ll see a big difference in how clean your laundry is!


The Shift

Being a newly minted Hay House New Release Reviewer, I was excited to learn that my first book to review would be ‘The Shift’ by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Available at Hay House.  I got my free copy in the mail in order to review, and blog about it.  It was such a slim volume that I thought I’d speed through it and be able to post my blog in record time.  Well that was not the case.  In fact, I think it was the longest amount of time I spent reading such a short book!

I have been a huge fan of Dr. Dyer, ever since the 70s when I read his first book, ‘Your Erroneous Zones’.  I have always appreciated his simple, practical, and forthright way of writing, and conveying the message that we have so much control over what we think, and how that affects everything in our life.  I’ve read most of his books over the years, and watched his fabulous shows on PBS.

My very favorite book of his is ‘The Power of Intention’.  I actually had to get a second book because my first one was so marked up with highlighting and notes that it was distracting to read!   I like it because it has clear, practical practices that you can put in effect immediately.  I refer to it often because, well, I can get off track and get in a negative energy mode.

‘The Shift’ is such a very different book from his others.  It started out with quantum physics, which I had a hard time wrapping my brain around.  In fact, I kept falling asleep after reading a couple pages at a time (this is why it took me so long to read it)!  Then he delves into making the shift from ambition to meaning; from being ego-driven to being connected spiritually.   I could tell that it is probably the most intimate writing from Dr. Dyer, as he really reveals his personal feelings and emotions at this stage of his life, and his own spiritual connection.

I liked the book, but personally, didn’t really love it.  It’s a little more ‘out there’ than I like.  I already have a relationship with God, so I don’t feel like there’s much of a dramatic ‘shift’ that needs to be made in my personal spiritual life.  I do need work on being ego-driven (I think we all do!), and that is something that I will continue to work on.  I appreciate and understand the spiritual journey that Dr. Dyer is going through at this time.  But I will always like best, hold true to my heart, and practice, the ever so wonderful practical-thinking advice of Dr. Wayne W. Dyer.

–Marilyn Huttunen

A Vintage Clothesline Purse? What Are The Odds?


I delight in the serendipity of thrift store shopping.  Those times when I run across something so wonderfully unique, that I take pause to wonder if it was placed there fully intended to be found by me!  My latest occurrence was yesterday, while I was looking through the miles and miles of designer fake vinyl purses that tend to populate the thrifts.  Anything made of real leather jumps out at me, and I spied a large, thick leather hippie type of purse that I remembered from the 70s.  They look like they were handmade by some sort of folksy artisan.

As I was marveling at the heft and substance of the purse, I noticed an amazing etched drawing on the front flap.  It was of two little laundresses with washboard and tub, and hanging laundry on a clothesline!  Of course, it had my name written all over it; being an avid laundress/clothesline user AND adoring and collecting vintage purses.  I need another purse like I need a hole in my head, but I could not leave without it!  No one else would ever appreciate the unique whimsicality of it like I would.

I like its large size and durability.  It’s been heavily used but there is hardly any wear to the thick leather.  It’s just so delightfully funky; the juxtaposition of the sweet, quaint laundry scene with the rugged hippie element is hilarious!  I’m sure that there is no other like it in the world.

My son, who is quite used to my unique findings but isn’t into vintage, wasn’t so amused.  “You’re not actually going to wear that are you?” he said, rolling his eyes.  He should know me by now, and should know the answer.  Yes!  As a matter of fact, I will. 🙂


The Fabulous Debut of Vintage Life Magazine!

Vintage Life Magazine

As of March 12, the digital version of Vintage Life Magazine is now published… and it is wonderful!  Since I had written an article for it (“The Art of Washing Vintage Clothing”, pp 18 & 19), I was excitedly looking forward to issue #1.   Nervous too, as I didn’t really know what to expect!  I had written the article, took the accompanying pictures, and submitted it.  And waited to see how the article, and overall magazine would actually look.

The magazine is in a word, fabulous; if I do say so myself!  The layout is perfect, and the articles are fun, interesting, and spunky! It is the first of its kind to publish a magazine for vintage-lovers…there is really nothing else out there like it.  I am so happy to be a part of it!

The magazine is currently digital only, but the editors tell me that they hope to go to a print version too if the word is spread far and wide.  I prefer print versions of magazines, as I know a lot of people do.  This glorious magazine needs to be in print, so help me in getting the word out there!

Read through the free trial issue HERE, and I’m sure you will then want to subscribe to future issues! 🙂


Happiness Is A Warm Clothesline

duz_adI love finding wacky ads in vintage women’s magazines, especially the laundry soap ads.  Take for example, this fabulous DUZ ad from the November 1949 Woman’s Day magazine.  It has all the attributes that I love in an ad; colorful drawing, bold lettering, exclamation points, and a wildly happy housewife, ecstatic over her DUZ detergent!  And being a clothesline enthusiast, I love the fact that not only does the housewife have her laundry on a clothesline, there is also clothesline pictured on the DUZ box.  Double the fun!  I almost reach this state of elation when I hang out my clothes… almost.  I cede to artistic license on the part of the copywriters, but I do have fun!

I really love clotheslines.  They genuinely make me happy.  There is nothing more gratifying than seeing my laundry out on the line, soaking up the sunshine and swaying in the breeze.  It must be something primal, since all of our ancestors from the dawn of time air-dried their laundry.  I actually look forward to those laundry days when the weather is nice enough to hang outside, and Mother Nature can do her business of  drying the clothes.  During inclement weather I dry inside on drying racks.  It’s sufficient and does the job, but it just doesn’t quite have the joie de vivre of using an outdoor clothesline.

The poignant scent of line-dried laundry.  There is nothing like it.  It changes with the seasons, picking up the nuances in the air.  The cold, ozone-y smell in the winter, the fresh cool scent of spring, the sunshiny scent of summer, and the brisk aroma of fall.  All subtly different, but with that unmistakable underlying familiarity, no matter the season.  That alone is reason enough to keep me air-drying.


This is my clothesline in my backyard, taken in the midst of a heatwave last summer.  Summer is so phenomenal for drying.   I like to time how long it takes to dry in the heat.  I think the record for my laundry drying was just one hour, in over 100 degree heat.  But mostly I just like to look at the clothes hanging.  It is like hanging art; installation art, if you will.  In any event, it makes me happy.  And if I get whipped up into a frenzy like the DUZ housewife, so be it!

Happy drying!
