June 1st: It’s a Marilyn Kind of Birthday

Marilyn Monroe - birthday June 1I’ve always liked that my birthday is June 1st – it has a nice ring to it. It’s also Marilyn Monroe’s birthday, which is cool because we share a birthday and a name. I like to think that I was named after Marilyn Monroe, but my mom says otherwise. I was born 29 years after MM – it was at the height of her movie star career, so I have to think that her name would have been in my parent’s thought consciousness somewhere. But who knows? I was the fifth child in the family and I think they were just tired of thinking up names.

I have always admired, and yes idolized, Marilyn. But I am also able to see her as a real person, not as just the sexy glamorous Hollywood icon which is how most perceive her. I think we would have been kindred spirits had we known each other, but I am happy that at least we get to share a name and a birthday.

~(the other) Marilyn

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