Vintage 80s Chanel Jewelry: Pile It On!

Vintage 1987 Chanel Jewelry-Carey LowellThis is a great pic from the June 1987 issue of Vogue magazine. It shows model Carey Lowell (who is now married to Richard Gere), piled with masses of Chanel jewelry. Wearing a simple Gap white shirt and denim skirt, she is simply loaded down with gold cuff bracelets, bangle bracelets, charm bracelets, chain and medallion belts, long chain and pearl necklaces, a medallion necklace, and long dangle earrings. And she had the oh-so-current 2013 crop haircut in 1987!

What’s funny is that I would have totally worn this much jewelry in 1987. Along with a wristwatch, various hair clips and bows, and diamond engagement ring. It wouldn’t have seemed out of place or odd because everyone wore tons of jewelry then. Along with shoulder pads. You had to wear shoulder pads in the ’80s — I think it was the law. 😀

Over the years I’ve collected several pieces of vintage Chanel jewelry, which I covet. Okay, it goes without saying – being the Chanel freak I am – that I covet and collect anything vintage Chanel, but the jewelry is especially cool.

These days I wear little to no jewelry, which just goes to show you how much personal style changes. I like a more spare look, and it just gets in the way.  If I wear jewelry it’s usually one piece at a time –  bracelet, necklace, or earrings worn separately. If I wore this much Chanel jewelry at a time I would look and feel quite conspicuous, and pretty ridiculous!

“Fashion fades, only style remains the same.” – Coco Chanel




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