Can We Bring Back a Little Mystery…Please?

Well it looks as though William and Kate have jetted off for their delayed honeymoon.  What surprised and pleased me is that I didn’t see any pictures of them waving as they disembarked on their romantic journey.  No one knows for sure, as of yet, where they are going either.  And I, for one, love it!  They seem to be conducted themselves with humble restraint…well, as humble as a royal can expect to be that is.

What’s wrong with a little mystery?  A little of not really knowing what is going on?  If every minute detail is revealed about a person, I eventually find it quite boring.  Celebrities are becoming quite mundane; between all their twittering and media attention, it usually is revealed that they pretty much lead as boring lives as the rest of us schmucks.  Extremely well-paid and probably more ill-mannered, granted, but there is just no intrigue for me to know that a celebrity is getting coffee, taking the kids to school, or schlepping around in sweatpants running errands.  I do and see enough of that in my everyday life.

I like to imagine them doing interesting celebrity things, like walking the red carpet, traveling to exotic locales, being on a great movie set, wining and dining, doing haute couture designer fittings, and supporting humanitarian causes.  Otherwise, leading the glamorous celebrity life that we imagine!

I wish for William and Kate, a private, romantic honeymoon.  I don’t feel the need to to see pics of their secret getaway; I am hoping that they manage to escape the media, at least briefly.  It’s probably too much to hope for, given the way of the world these days; but in any event, a little restraint certainly won’t hurt.

~Marilyn Huttunen



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