It seems that laundry was a particularly joy-inducing task in 1939, as depicted in this cute ad for Rinso soap. The neighborhood ladies are frolicking around the clothesline, while an onlooking older woman comments, “Looks like the whole town’s going wild about the NEW 1940 RINSO and the richer suds it give in our hard… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Homemade Laundry Detergent
Purex Crystals: Good But Use SPARINGLY!
As a lot of you know, I make my own homemade laundry detergent, my favorite recipe being that used with Zote soap, Washing Soda, and Borax. I really love the scent of Zote – very fresh, clean and citrusy – but once it does its job washing the laundry, the scent disappears. My laundry is… Read more »
Easy Homemade Laundry Detergent Using ZOTE Soap
I’ve been dabbling in making my own laundry detergent for about a year now, but I think I’ve finally hit on the right ‘recipe’ for me. I’ve previously made both the powdered and liquid version using Fels Naptha soap, and was generally pleased with the results. Truth be told, the liquid version was really quite… Read more »
Is Fels-Naptha Soap Glamorous?
I’ve been on a personal basis with Fels-Naptha soap lately, using it to concoct the homemade powdered laundry detergent and liquid laundry detergent recipes. Shredding that golden bar with a cheese grater is not for the faint of heart! But it is rather fun to do, and the resultant homemade detergents are so worth it…. Read more »
Adventures in Making Homemade Liquid Laundry Detergent
Summer-like weather seems to have finally hit the Seattle area, and I for one am cheering wildly! This means, among other things, that I can use my outdoor clothesline once again. The clutter of indoor drying racks gets too much to bear at times. With solar dryer usage getting into full gear, I decided it… Read more »
Fabulously Frugal Homemade Laundry Detergent
Well, I finally took the plunge and did what was the last holdout of my Eco-Friendly-Clothesline-Loving-Cold-Water-Washing-Laundry-Goddess status: making my own environmentally friendly detergent. I have been meaning to do this for years but finally got a nudge, okay, a push from a thread on the eBay Clothing Discussion board. There was a lively discussion about… Read more »