I continue to be surprised and delighted when perusing my old fashion magazines from the ’70s. Emilio Pucci designed for Eaton Paper, who knew? This fabulous ad was tucked into the March 1972 issue of Glamour magazine: Pucci’s designs, rich with color and fashion excitement, are ingeniously coordinated in Eaton’s exclusive Haute Scripture collection of letter papers and notes. Vivara is scented and designed with a duplex border; Isabella is deckle edges; Voltige and Taormina have contrasting borders. See these and other exclusive Pucci creations at your favorite store. From $3.00 to $7.95.
Letter and note writing seems a lost art these days. I can remember pondering and picking out the best stationery for my letters, and then writing my missives in cursive handwriting. Sadly, I don’t do much of it anymore; typing an email, message, or online comment is more my style these days.
But ephemera like this will only rise in value and collectibility. And when it’s a Pucci design, all the more so!