It was interesting to see Martha Stewart speak off the cuff the other night regarding Sarah Palin. Perhaps caught unawares, her true feelings surfaced pretty quickly. Calling Sarah Palin “very boring”, “dangerous”, and “confused”. While Martha is certainly entitled to her opinion, she came across as shrill, catty, and elitist. It’s disturbing to me to see a woman of influence treat another woman of influence in this dismissive way.
Whatever happened to good manners and political neutrality in talk show hosts? What about lifting others up instead of tearing others down, no matter their political leanings? How about some tolerance and open-mindedness? Do we now have to be divided politically while we learn housekeeping hints?
I’d like to see a good old-fashioned return to manners. Let’s show respect for one another, no matter our differences. You don’t build yourself up by berating others. Let’s be for something instead of against something.
I’ve been a Martha Stewart fan for a long time. I love her devotion to creating a better home and a more creative life. But I think Martha needs attention in the civilities department. Manners and good words are as essential to gracious living as setting a table or cooking a gourmet meal.
It’s a good thing.
Martha is NOT my favorite person. I admire her creativity, but not her attitude.
Personally, I think she needs to buy a hair barrette. She is ALWAYS pushing her hair out of her face while cooking.. UMMM, that’s a big no-no Martha..
I had to laugh too, at Martha calling Sarah “boring”. Try as I might, I never make it past 20 minutes in her hour-long show. Her monotone voice droning on just puts me to sleep and I end up taking a nap on the couch, even when the topic is interesting to me!
Yeah, Deb, the hair thing while cooking…ugh!