I must confess that lawn mowing is one of my least favorite activities. If I had my way I’d let the grass grow wild and waist high, but I do live in a neighborhood where keeping the lawn looking presentable is an honorable activity – so I mow. I do like to keep a modicum of respectability!
For about four years now, I have been using an old-fashioned push reel mower. I had just about reached the end of my rope with the gas-guzzling power mower I was using. It was extremely loud, heavy, hard to handle and hard to start. Clippings would get caught in the shoot and twigs got caught in the line. I was forever running over to my neighbors asking for help with the mower. This got very tiring. I thought that there just had to be a better way. There was.
Despite the protests of friends and family, warning me that there was NO way I was going to be able to push-mow my lawn I purchased a push mower. From the start, the pure simplicity of the machine was a beautiful breath of fresh air. I guided it over the grass and lo and behold, it was cutting it! No noise, no fumes, no energy used (except my own)…amazing! At first I used a clipping catcher because I was so used to putting my grass clippings in the yard waste recycling. Now I just leave the clippings on the grass for mulch.
My neighbors are now accustomed to me and my push-mower. At first, I had neighbor kids quizzing me about what this strange contraption was. Adults would just smile at me with odd puzzlement. Believe me, with my clothesline and push-reel mower I definitely stand out in the neighborhood-ha ha.
So even though I really don’t like lawn mowing, I have come to an acceptance of it. I find that while I’m mowing I often space out, think and even meditate. Something about being in the fresh air and performing a mundane repetitive task seems to activate this. My arms get stronger too.
~Happy Mowing!