Vintage 70s White Angora

White Angora Sweater-Vintage 1973Angora sweaters are timeless. Fall is rapidly approaching, and it leads me to think I should probably get the stack of vintage white angora sweaters ready to sell. I’ve been collecting them over the summer, and the summer heat just doesn’t put me in the mood for washing angora. There is something about pure white angora that is so beguiling. Maybe it’s because it’s the natural color of most angora rabbits and it just seems so fresh and clean. The soft fluffiness of angora is just so wonderful – it truly is an amazing fiber!

The pic above is from a 1973 ad for Revlon’s Natural Wonder ‘Super Nails’ nail enamel. While the ad features the model’s very long red-polished nails (shade: Fire-Engine), they are offset by everything else being white. White typewriter, carpet, curtains, necklace, pants, pencil, ring, blouse, and the pièce de résistance…a very fluffy furry white angora sweater! It just reminded me that angora is classic and never really goes out of style.


One Response to “Vintage 70s White Angora”

  1. Gina

    Looking for angora 70 style sweaters like the one above in the 1973 Revlon Nail Ad. I am a size 12. Thank you Gina

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